Why You Need to Register A Professional Account for Your Business on Little Red Book

Earlier this year, we shared our insider tips on growing your brand, running successful influencer campaigns, and how to utilize the new features on Little Red Book (Xiaohongshu). If you have implemented our suggestions on your Little Red Book page, we bet you are fascinated with the excellent results. In this blog post, we will be talking about the benefits of having your business account verified on Little Red Book! Act now and thank us later!

There were three types of accounts on the Little Red Book in the past: 1.) Business 2.) Personal and 3.) Verified blogger, which have been reduced to “Professional accounts” and “Non-Professional accounts” now. Within the Professional Accounts category, there is still a separation between Content Creators/Bloggers and Businesses. So the question is, what is it like to become a professional user on Little Red Book?

Whether your newly created Little Red Book account is a personal or business account, they are categorized as non-professional if they are not verified. Three types of accounts could be registered as professional ones:

  1. Enterprises: Businesses such as cafes, clothing brands, cosmetic brands, and more.

  2. Users with expertise: Specialists such as doctors, lawyers, professors, and more.

  3. Interest-oriented users: Fitness bloggers, food bloggers, makeup artist

What are the benefits of having a professional Little Red Book account?

Having a professional RED account is the golden ticket to partake in exclusive events on the platform. Even if your RED account is a business account but has not yet registered or been approved to be a professional account, you are not eligible to access exclusive features such as some of the ones listed below.

  1. Lucky draw giveaway: Professional accounts can hold lucky draw giveaways for their followers.

  2. Physical store management: This is only applicable to professional accounts with physical stores and flagship stores. Users can insert their addresses and images of their physical stores to drive users offline to their store locations. 

  3. Launching online stores (Enterprise/Personal): Products can be sold in product reviews, live-stream sessions and personal pages.*

  4. Collaboration with KOLs on RED: Professional accounts have access to the official Content Creator platform for Little Red Book to choose from a broad range of KOLs on RED to promote their brands and products.

  5. New Product trials: Professional accounts can provide new products to users, let them try out the products, and generate content accordingly to build a good reputation.

  6. Sales Promotion: Professional accounts can also launch different advertisements or sponsor organic posts to boost exposure for their brands. 

Also note that different types of professional accounts are entitled to different features respectively on RED.

  1. Enterprises: Physical store management, lucky draw giveaway, sales promotion, KOL collaborations, new product trials, and launching online stores, branded hashtag campaigns.

  2. Users with expertise: Product review notes for brand promotions, launching personal online stores

  3. Interest-oriented users: Product review notes for brand promotions, launching personal online stores

Do you already have a Little Red Book account and strive to get more professional with your content and strategy on the platform to grow your business and unlock exclusive benefits? We will be sharing more insights on how you can improve your performance on Little Red Book and what it takes to create viral content on the platform. Follow us on our social media channels to get all the latest updates!

*Note that to set up an online store, it depends on what business category you are in, as well as whether you have a China-based business and/or operations for the appropriate verification documents. You can still get verified if you are an overseas (outside of Mainland China) business, but you may not obtain access to the function to set up your own shop on the Little Red Book platform.