TikTok Advertising


Ad Creative

Little or no experience creating TikTok videos? No problem. We've got you covered with our Content Creators.



Influencer Collaborations

Our agency is white-listed to source legitimate Influencers that have been vetted by TikTok and listed on their Creator Marketplace. Find the right collaborator for your brand to reach the most relevant audience.



Advertising Strategy

Which ad product is right for you? In-feed video ads, a brand takeover, or a hashtag challenge? Our Advertising Specialists will explain the pros and cons of different ad types, targeting capabilities, and how to optimize your budget for results.


Advertising Execution

We help you implement, monitor and refine your TikTok advertising for optimal results.

@catalyst.agents Do you know if your advertising is working effectively and where the traffic comes from? Watch the video to the end and don't forget to subscribe for more TikTok advertising tips. #marketingagency #socialmediamarketing #advertisingtips #advertisingtiktok #adscompany #howtosellonline #tiktokads ♬ original sound - bestspedup

Find more TikTok marketing and advertising tips on our TikTok account.