TIKTOK MARKETING -- 3 Reasons Why You Should Post Long-Form Content on TikTok

While TikTok is known for its short-form videos, incorporating longer-form content into your strategy can offer several advantages. 

TikTok has recently changed its algorithm to promote longer videos, making it a more attractive option for creators to post long-form content. Why would a social media platform want you to watch longer videos? It’s because theoretically, it should lead to more time spent per user on the app. Videos that are longer could also potentially give TikTok more ad inventory to sell to advertisers. Think of all the ads you watch during one long-form YouTube video. It’s essentially a win-win for the user and the platform, because the user gets more in-depth videos that add more value, and the platform gets more potential ad space to sell.

Here are three reasons why posting long-form videos on TikTok is beneficial for you as a Content Creator or brand:

1. Reach a wider audience: TikTok's algorithm prioritizes videos that keep viewers engaged for longer periods. By posting long-form content, you increase the chances of your videos being seen by a wider audience. Longer videos have a higher potential to keep viewers engaged for a longer duration and increase user in-app time spent, which is a key metric for social media platforms when investors gauge the business’ performance. As users spend more time watching your videos, the algorithm is more likely to push your content to a wider audience and recommend your content to users who are actively watching and interacting with videos.

2. Build deeper connections with your audience: Long-form videos provide more space for creators to develop their narratives, share in-depth information, and explore complex topics. This allows for more creative storytelling and the ability to build deeper connections with viewers. As you connect with your viewers on a deeper level, they are more likely to become loyal followers and engage with your content regularly.

3. Diversify your content strategy: Incorporating long-form videos into your TikTok strategy adds variety and keeps your audience engaged. Mixing up your content formats can help you attract new viewers and retain existing ones. By offering a range of video lengths, you cater to different preferences and viewing habits, ensuring you give the algorithm content to serve users with a preference for short-duration videos and others who prefer more in-depth analysis and knowledge-sharing clips. The shift towards longer videos also aligns with trends in other social media platforms, such as YouTube, which has successfully incorporated longer-form content into its user experience.

Here are some additional tips for creating effective long-form videos on TikTok:

  • Grab attention early: Capture your viewers' attention within the first few seconds to encourage them to keep watching.

  • Break up content into segments: Divide your long-form video into smaller, digestible chunks to maintain engagement throughout.

  • Use storytelling techniques: Employ storytelling elements to make your videos more engaging and memorable. This could be to include an anecdote or an analogy to make what you are trying to convey easier to understand. Especially for complex topics that are very niche or industry-specific, people who are not experts may not entirely understand the context of what you’re trying to say. By including an example or story to prove your point, it’ll resonate with the audience better. 

  • Include a clear call to action: Prompt viewers to like, comment, or share your video to encourage further engagement.

Remember, success on TikTok is about creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience. Whether you stick to short-form videos or incorporate long-form content, focus on delivering value and connecting with your viewers authentically. This indicates that TikTok is evolving into a more versatile platform that caters to a wider range of content creators and viewers. By embracing longer-form videos, TikTok is opening up new possibilities for storytelling, engagement, and monetization.