WeChat 2019 || Guide to Writing a WeChat Article for a Luxury Brand

WeChat Articles Guide

Following up on our recent blog post announcing the many WeChat platform developments and additional functionalities, if you managed to set up a WeChat Official Account for your overseas company, the next step is to figure out how to write an article for your brand. What should it look like?

Here are some basics you should know about an overseas WeChat Official Account, the first is that only the SERVICE ACCOUNTS type are available for overseas businesses. These types of accounts have notifications that show up in the Chat main screen in the WeChat platform, so it is more prominent than Subscription Accounts, which are all collectively stored in the “Subscriptions” folder. if you have not subscribed to any Subscription Accounts, this folder will NOT be shown in your chat screen (so no need to freak out!)


One key thing to note is that WeChat Service Accounts are limited to a maximum of FOUR newsletters per calendar month. You can post all of these within one week or spread them out with one newsletter per week, that’s really up to you; the only constraint is that they all go out within the same calendar month. Note that the posting time follows CHINA TIME, meaning if you post in the afternoon in Canada on April 30th, it will show up as a May 1st posting on WeChat, meaning you have used up one of your newsletters for the month of May.

Within each of the newsletters, you are able to have up to EIGHT articles. If you just started up your WeChat Official Account and you don’t have any idea what types of topics are favoured by the WeChat readership, you can refer to our guide to writing content that can 10X your readership.


There are widely two categories of accounts on WeChat, those that are more casual blog posts or news accounts, where the formatting and design of an article is given minimal attention with frequent uses of Chinese emojis (which is considered totally fine if you are one of these more casual blogs), and high end, luxury brands like Dior, Chanel, Rolex and more who publish beautifully formatted articles.

If your company is a sizeable B2C brand, we would encourage that you follow our WeChat article template guide for creating WeChat article content for luxury brands. For jewelry brands, food and travel, the writing is minimal, with the design and visuals taking centre stage.

Need help creating WeChat content for your WeChat Official Account? Our in-house designers and WeChat Marketing Specialists can help with WeChat Account management, content strategy and content writing. Get in touch with us today at wechat@catalystagents.com.