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5 Best Practices for Managers Using WeChat

We covered yesterday the 5 best practices for salespeople using WeChat. Today we will cover the 5 best practices for managers using WeChat. You may think it's the same as what the frontline salespeople do, but WeChat functions also allow a manager to more effectively communicate with their team to implement Chinese marketing strategy. 

  1. Create WeChat friendly marketing materials. WeChat users are used to staying in-app for everything they need. Don't make them leave the app. Create visuals for new products, services, or events that can be shared in-app and work within the WeChat platform.*
  2. Instant team updates. Create a work chat group to keep your team in the loop. Integrate WeChat group updates into your sales strategy - whether that's a WeChat message or PDF sent to the sales team WeChat group outlining goals for the week and recapping last week's performance, you can use WeChat to move forward as a team. 
  3. Download it and USE it. Most of the time our clients in the managerial or senior positions are not actively engaged on WeChat. Leadership comes from the top, and if you want your salespeople to believe WeChat can be a great sales tool for them, it's important that you are actively engaged on it. 
  4. Do you work in a multi-national company or have a China team you connect with regularly? Instead of using Google Hangouts you can do a WeChat video chat with them to make their lives easier (again, notice all these functions WeChat has consolidated into just one app!) 
  5. Stay up to date with your competitors. Follow branded competitor accounts to see what content they are delivering to their Chinese audience. Is it tailored for the community? You better pull your socks up!
  6. BONUS: Run WeChat campaigns. If you want to establish a presence on WeChat but are not able to open your own WeChat account, you can still run a WeChat advertorial + banner ad campaign for your company. See our post on How To Open A WeChat Account For Business. 

If you are interested in learning more about WeChat in a corporate training session with us or running a WeChat campaign to create exposure for your brand, please contact us to get a free quotation!

*We create WeChat sales brochures that work in-app - contact us to find out more!