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Online Marketing Campaign Follow Up ran a marketing campaign. Now what?

Clients tend to get supremely excited about a campaign idea, with their minds set on generating more followers because those numbers matter. Engagement, while an easy concept to understand once explained, is still not a focus because it's not as blatantly advertised on their profiles as follower numbers. 

So what happens is the marketing campaign will achieve new followers on the select platform, without much thought into the follow up content. Basically, how do we keep these new followers engaged? How do we stay interesting beyond running a giveaway campaign?

These questions are not receiving as much attention as they should be, because building a loyal and engaged following on social media requires that you STAY INTERESTING. If the only time you are interesting is when you are giving away free stuff, then your brand is in trouble.

Here are a few of MANY options you can explore to follow up with new followers, subscribers, etc. 

  1. If you ran a campaign to get more email subscribers, segment these subscribers out into a new list and design a dedicated 'welcome newsletter' to them. It's important to make new followers feel special. You can also take this opportunity to update your existing mailing list on the growth of your subscriber community. People like to know they are part of a growing group - it shows they've chosen to be a part of a 'cool' community.

  2. If you ran an Instagram campaign to get more followers, and if you hit your growth goal, craft a post to share the joy with your community. "10K Followers! Thank you for your continued support!"

  3. Plan your follow up content ahead of time. If you run a giveaway on Instagram and it's to give out 3 Instax Minis, then you might want to do a week of Instax photo posts for the week after to celebrate the successful collaboration. Again, make the follow up content interesting and relevant to your target audience from the campaign. You gave them a reason to click 'follow', now you need to work to keep them engaged.

Running a campaign and not having a follow up plan in mind is a huge waste of money and sadly, it happens much more often than you'd think. 

Need help planning an integrated marketing campaign? Strategists on our team are able to help. Send us a note using our contact form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.